Devoto Prison

After the escape on August 15, 1972, Alicia Sanguinetti, material witness interviewed in this film, was taken from Rawson Prison to Devoto Prison, where she remained in custody until May 25, 1973 when she was released together with all the other political prisoners. The day before, May 24, she took these pictures using a camera her brother, also a photographer, had brought her.

Female fighters waiting to be released Cell tribute to  “Eduardo Capello”, shot at the Admiral Zar Base
Female fighters waiting
to be released
Cell tribute to “Eduardo Capello”, shot at
the Admiral Zar Base
Sawing the banners of the guerrilla groups Villa Devoto Prison, on the day prior to the release of all polítical prisoners (1973)
Sawing the banners of the guerrilla groups Villa Devoto Prison, on the day prior to
the release of all polítical prisoners (1973)


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Film Director: Mariana Arruti