The previous week to the massacre

Soledad Capello – Mother of one of the Trelew victims, Eduardo Capello

My husband and I were listening to the news, and they said:”Now for a last minute news”

Eduardo Luis Duhalde – political prisoners lawyer

All the lawyers were going to travel, but they said all flights were full

Rodolfo Mattarollo – political prisoners lawyer

We travel by rental cars and, on the way, we suffered an alarming


200 meters from the prison we see soldiers with rifles and radio equipment

This is the airport where last week 19 extremists who didn´t manage to escape were forced to surrender

The Army and Navy are protecting the airport. This area was declared in a “state of emergency”

Eduardo Luis Duhalde – political prisoners lawyer

Coronel Prémoli and Galtieri were there

Rodolfo Mattarollo – political prisoners lawyer

Judge Quiroga was there, and also Galtieri

Eduardo Luis Duhalde – political prisoners lawyer

We passed our writes under his door, because he never listened to us

Hipólito Solari Irigoyen – political prisoners lawyer

The prison was off-limits for the lawyers and no one knew what was happening inside.

Eduardo Luis Duhalde – political prisoners lawyer

The road to the Base was blocked.


Any information ?

Hipólito Solari Irigoyen – political prisoners lawyer

Nothing, except what the Army has said.
Yesterday, when we went to the Federal Court we heard shouts from the political prisoners in Rawson.


Couldn´t you go into the Navy Base ?

Hipólito Solari Irigoyen – political prisoners lawyer

No, we can´t get near.

Soledad Capello – Mother of one of the Trelew victims, Eduardo Capello

We wanted to take them blankets and medicines because if they had left the prison as they were they would get ill.

Eduardo Luis Duhalde - political prisoners lawyer

It was clear that they were preparing a big repression operation against the prisoners, because of the humiliation the government had suffered the escape would be paid with blood.


Momentos  previos a la masacre (Del film Los hijos de Fierro, de Pino Solanas) Momentos  previos a la masacre (Del film Los hijos de Fierro, de Pino Solanas)
Moments right before the shootings
(From Pino Solanas’s film
Los hijos de Fierro)
Moments right before the shootings
(From Pino Solanas’s film
Los hijos de Fierro)
Momentos  previos a la masacre (Del film Los hijos de Fierro, de Pino Solanas) Momentos  previos a la masacre (Del film Los hijos de Fierro, de Pino Solanas)
Moments right before the shootings
(From Pino Solanas’s film
Los hijos de Fierro)
Moments right before the shootings
(From Pino Solanas’s film
Los hijos de Fierro)
Cte Hermes  Quijada, miembro del Estado Mayor Conjunto Cte. Hermes  Quijada
Cte Hermes Quijada, miembro del
Estado Mayor Conjunto
Cte. Hermes Quijada
Base  Aeronaval Almirante Zar en la madrugada General  Lanusse Presidente de facto responsable directo de la masacre
Admiral Zar Naval Air Base, in the
small hours of the morning
General Lanusse de facto President, directly
responsible for the shootings
Heraldo  Torne, conscripto vió los cadáveres agonizantes Marileo,  empleado de la funeraria recogió los cuerpos de los fusilados
Heraldo Torne, prívate on compulsory
military service: he saw the dying prisoners
Miguel Marileo, funeral parlour employee: he picked
the bodies of the prisoners who had been shot
Visit our channel Youtube
See the movie Trelew

Film Director: Mariana Arruti